In April 2008, just eleven months after the first International Chordoma Research Workshop (ICRW) the Chordoma Foundation co-hosted a longer, larger, and more in-depth second ICRW in partnership with the National Cancer Institute and the NIH Office of Rare Diseases. The number of physicians and scientists who attended the second ICRW increased by 50%, further expanding the emerging field of chordoma research, and sparking new collaborations between researchers across disciplines and institutions. As a result of the partnerships formed between researchers at the first ICRW, in the short time between the two workshops a staggering amount of progress was made towards identifying the molecular and genetic basis of chordoma. Many of the questions raised by participants at the first ICRW were answered, and many new questions, ideas, and theories emerged. The Research Roadmap developed at the first ICRW was re-evaluated and updated to reflect the latest scientific developments.